
Thursday, July 26, 2018

Hypnotherapy for Exam Fear

Hypnotherapy for Exam Fear

 The pressure is too much

The pressure of achieving high marks and grades on students come from a variety of sources including parents, relatives, peers, teachers, and neighbors. We live in a world where competition among each other is high. Many students often crack under the immense pressure of performing well and develop several phobias. These may include fear of studying a certain subject, exam fear, study anxiety, bad memory, and concentration issues.

The latest phenomenon- Exam fear

According to several studies, 25 percent of the students suffer from exam fear and stress management at different schools, colleges and universities. This is common and people all around the world develop this fear. The exam fear and anxiety can have drastic effects on your paper, it can mess your performance.

These issues are usually deep rooted in an individual’s brain, hypnotherapy helps identify these issues and eliminates them. If you develop some fear, it isn’t because of a specific event. It usually builds up over time and it is based on a series of events that occurred in a pattern.   

When you have something like an exam fear, you are unable to deliver despite the efforts and hard work. Somehow your nerves get the best of you so you fail to produce. The fear of exam has adverse effects on our subconscious mind. It promotes and leads to more issues that continue to prevail for a longer period of time.

Exam fear has become a major problem amongst students; a lot of them know everything and have prepared for the exam well however the fear stops them from performing well. For some, it has even become the only reason for getting into colleges sabotaging their future.   

Hypnotherapy serves the purpose of reprogramming an individual’s brain and removing this phobia from their minds. With the help of hypnosis, you can improve your chances of performing well in the exam as well as let go of the fear for good. Hypnotherapy or hypnosis deals with your subconscious mind and finds the root cause of the fear.

During the sessions, your subconscious is presented with strong suggestions that pave a path that is more susceptible to learning and understanding. You are able to build your confidence in absorbing knowledge and then retaining it for a long time.

Therapists suggest that the subconscious is more compliant when it comes to following instructions, however, accessing the subconscious isn’t something that you can easily do. To tap into the subconscious you need to bypass the conscious mind by silencing it. When the therapist presents our subconscious with multiple suggestions in the right way, the subconscious accepts it and then reacts with the help of the conscious mind.

When we are young, our mind is open to suggestions so when someone with an authority suggests something the brain finds it easier to comply with them. Unfortunately, most of the adults unknowingly plant negative suggestions that leave the students stranded and helpless forever. In case of school going students, it is the duty of their parents to notice the sign of exam fear and anxiety because the child won’t. Parents, adults, and teachers need to be extra careful of what they are saying to a student. It is essential that they motivate them instead of criticizing everything.

Many students develop the exam fear because they are afraid failing. Hypnotherapy reduces that fear and helps you gain confidence. It also boosts your low self-esteem by decreasing the negative forces and replacing them with the positive ones. In short, it provides you with the tools that you need for excelling in an exam without the fear of failure.

A hypnotherapy session has proven to be effective for countless individuals dealing with exam fear and anxiety. This serves as the main reason why most people actually prefer taking hypnotherapy as a form of alternative treatment. Hypnosis has no side effects and does not require you to take any medication.

Although all therapists have their own approach towards the treatment, for most of the time it starts with a consultancy session and then the hypnotherapist decides whether you need therapy or not. The therapist will take you through a calm relaxing path and ask you to focus on certain things such as the exam and the physical sensations attached to it. These may include pressure, anxiety, and stress. Afterward, you will be presented with different suggestive reiterations.

The suggestion method helps you cope up with stress, pressure and overwhelming response followed by the thought of an exam. Different visuals and suggestions are presented your way so you can work the issues out and break free from the fears. Other valuable techniques are taught during the sessions so you know how to handle stress and anxiety at the time of a panic attack.

You can also use hypnotherapy for overcoming your fears. As the therapy boosts your self-esteem and confidence you become more aware. You start believing in yourself, you concentrate more and are motivated to fight the odds. Although you might think that one session would be sufficient, we believe that you must continue to visit your therapist until the issue is resolved completely.

What happens during a hypnotherapy session for exam fear?

So, during a session, you are able to overcome your fear of failing in the exam. You also get to enhance your motivation levels and confidence. The negative thoughts that you constantly have, reduce as the sessions continue. You learn to manage anxiety, improve memory and concentrate more. The idea behind hypnotherapy is to help you relax and encourage focus.

If you want to control your exam nerves and break free from the exam fear then hypnotherapy is an effective way to do so. It reduces your stress levels and allows you to relax. Everyone has a different response to hypnotherapy just like they would have to another treatment. Therapeutic interventions may take some time but these are almost always successful.

Hypnotherapy offers you a simple yet effective way for finding motivation for studying and letting go of anxiety. It is essential that you consult a professional therapist and then work your way out of the situation.        


For more details on best service hypnosis and hypnotherapy treatment and hypnotherapist in New Delhi India or Online Distance Treatment, visit:

Dr S K Sharma
Ethos Healthcare
T 12, Green Park Extension,
New Delhi 110016. India.
Ph: +91-11-46026700, +91-11-26164016
Cell/Whatsapp - +91-9810155920



Friday, March 23, 2018

Hypnotherapy for OCD

Hypnotherapy for OCD

OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a common mental health disorder. This disorder can at times be very chronic and long-lasting. It is basically an anxiety disorder in which people have recurring and unwanted thoughts that create an urge in them to do something repeatedly. A person gets obsessed with a few things which create an uncomfortable feeling in him and he tries to diminish this anxiety by practicing recurrent behaviors and acts. These behaviors and mental acts are termed as compulsions. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can start impacting not only adults but also children at a very early age. Mostly, this disorder starts developing in children and grows with them in other stages of lives as well. These behaviors and compulsions are not very simple. They are so devastating that they can hinder a person's ability to perform daily personal and social activities to a very great extent. The disease has basically two parts, "obsessions" and “compulsions". Obsessions are the unwanted thoughts and urge that make a person so uncomfortable and disturbed that they trigger a person to engage in particular activities termed as compulsions, to relieve stress and anxiety. This article is aimed at highlighting various facts about OCD and identifying solutions with the help of hypnotherapy.

Obsessions are the first part of the obsessive-compulsive disorder. Obsessions have various categories. A person might be one or a number of these categories. They include contamination obsessions, for example, fear of coming in contact with germs. Some obsessions are related to symmetry, a strong need to see things being arranged in a particular way and feeling distressed if they are arranged in any way opposite to that. Another fear is of accidentally harming oneself or others through carelessness. These obsessions or fears become so strong in a person that they affect his daily ways of functioning and performing various activities. Some of the OCD patients even understand that these thoughts are unreasonable but they fail to overcome them through logic.

Compulsions are the second part of this mental health disorder. They are the behaviors one engages in to overcome the obsessions and the associated urges. These are the repetitive acts a person feels driven to perform in response to a particular obsession. Performing these behaviors result in reduced anxiety or a feared situation. Some of the common compulsions one engages in to relieve anxiety and to temporarily feel better include excessive hand washing in the response to fear of catching germs or excessive time spent over showering or self-hygiene. Other compulsions also include keep on arranging things until a particular order is achieved or rereading and rewriting things to make sure there is no error. Theoretically, this might not look that problematic but the person suffering from this disorder goes through a lot. He puts excessive energy over things that don't require that much of attention, resulting in wastage of time, a lot of anxiety and disturbance in functioning in daily personal and social life.

What causes OCD?

The obsessive-compulsive disorder can influence children as well as adults. There is no as such evidence about what really trigger OCD in a person. However, there are some general factors that may induce such sort of behavior in a person. OCD can be inherited; it might be running down in the family. Your genes in combination with other factors like stress and anxiety can result in the disorder. Also, your environment and past experiences can cause OCD. For instance, if a child has gone through abuse or some other sort of major trauma, he has the potential to end up with this disorder as an adult.

Research is still underway to identify the root causes that end up as OCD in a person in order to make better diagnosis and treatment decisions.

Emotional and Physical Issues
Along with the emotional troubles that OCD creates for an individual like, extreme anger, anxiety, fear, shame or guilt there are some physical conditions attributed to it as well. The possible physical issues include racing heart, muscle tension, shortness of breath, dizziness, and headaches. These emotional and physical conditions together can adversely influence the life of the person who is suffering from the disorder.  It can end up as wastage of a lot of time ranging from one hour or maybe more, depending on the intensity of the disorder.

Treatments and Therapies
OCD is tried to be treated with medication in a person. Medication might be given alone or in combination with some therapy. Certain medications might even make the person feel better but as always medicines always come with some side effects. These side effects might be observed not in the short run, but in the longer run. Therefore, one should opt for ways that have maximum benefits but little long-term issues. One avenue for this purpose is therapy. Therapy can be of various forms. One of the very effective therapies to treat OCD is hypnotherapy.  This therapy relaxes the mind and neutralizes the anxiety of OCD patients. It can be an analysis or a suggestion therapy. In analysis therapy, the hypnotist can reach to the root cause of what triggered certain behavior in an individual. When the root cause is identified it is easy to manage the treatment. Suggestion therapy, however, taps into the part of the subconscious which responds to suggestion including that of behavioral changes. Both these techniques can work in combination to treat the issue in a more effective way. You can see a licensed therapist to help you out or you can explore some self-hypnosis techniques as well.  In even a very short span of sittings with a therapist, one would start feeling better. It won’t only treat the OCD, but also would boost a person’s self-esteem and confidence. A person would feel less anxious to engage in certain activities. He would start observing positive changes in his personal and social life and in his personality as a whole.

It is very important to keep a positive attitude towards the treatment and in general to help you get rid of the thoughts and compulsion associated with this disease.


For more details on best service hypnosis and hypnotherapy treatment and hypnotherapist in New Delhi India or Online Distance Treatment, visit:

Dr S K Sharma
Ethos Healthcare
T 12, Green Park Extension,
New Delhi 110016. India.
Ph: +91-11-46026700, +91-11-26164016
Cell/Whatsapp - +91-9810155920

