
Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Hypnotherapy for treating bad habits

Naturally, human beings are creatures that are composed of many habits. Everyone has minimum one bad habit that they know about as well and want to get rid of. One may willingly try to change a bad habit but could feel like he is trapped in it and may feel helpless or hopeless. One may feel self-defeated by the bad habits and may start losing interest in life. The subconscious part of the mind controls one’s habits whereas the subconscious mind is not communicated easily with the conscious mind. Therefore, the subconscious mind might not be aware that the bad behavior needs to be changed. 

The procedure of hypnosis is quite effective for the sake of bringing a change in those habits. There are a vast number of techniques that could be used for addressing bad habits such as thumb sucking, nail biting, hair pulling, spitting on others as an aggressive response, skin picking, habit of touching private parts in small kids, nocturnal and daytime bruxism, problematic eating patterns, procrastination, smoking, drinking, drug abuse, domestic violence, pathological lying, nervous tics or fidgeting and talking back to elders / unnecessary argumentation. 

Hypnosis is more like a tool or a vehicle that could facilitate an individual in arriving better states of mind and achieve better and healthier living conditions. The procedure initially leads an individual into a calm and deep state of realization of oneself and makes the person aware of the main causes of the consistent bad habits. After all, this is done, then the procedure of change starts its course. In addition to that, the process of change also includes the realization of the fact that something must be done in order to save and improve one’s personality and life standard.

At the start of the stages, the process of hypnosis makes use of an individual’s subconscious mind which is booted to receive and accept different suggestions or advice. It is dependent on the goals of the individual whether these suggestions can be able to help the person quite the bad habits of excessive eating, smoking, nail-biting or whatever habit it is the person wishes to modify or overcome.

The hypnotist makes sure that these ideas or suggestions are repeated enough times to make the patient aware and satisfied and makes sure that he got the idea and purpose behind all these suggestions. The subconscious lies very deep in the mind and is a level which holds or controls the person’s deepest wishes or desires. Therefore, by giving suggestions to this particular area of the mind, an individual is able to modify himself at the core of his being.

The good part about hypnotherapy is that it makes one able to access the subconscious mind or the unconscious part of brain which consists of the cause of the bad habit. This leads to the extraction of the urge to behave in a bad manner and therefore cause the habit to be ceased in an easier way.

Why More than Will Power is Needed to Relieve Bad Habits
The issues experienced by one after he initially tries to get rid of the bad habits is that the habits do not respond to the given commands, suggestions or orders, much like gremlins. One needs to gather his will-power and tell oneself very discreetly to not act on the bad habit. Even if the person feels sure that he may not act on his impulse to continue the bad habits, he might still end up doing it, therefore it may seem to him that it is very difficult to get rid of these habits. This is the point where many people give up and think to themselves that they just cannot be helped in this condition. 

How Hypnotherapy helps in treating bad habits
Hypnotherapy for treating bad habits achieves its goal by the creation of a state which is similar to trance but the individual is completely conscious of the activities around him and is supposed to only ponder on the voice that leads the hypnotherapeutic process. The hypnotherapist is not sanctioned to go through with any technique without the will and agreement of the patient. Once the hypnosis starts and the patient achieve the state of trance, the first thing to be done by the hypnotherapist is to negate all the previous suggestions given to the patient regarding his addiction problem and provide their substitutes which are more advances, healthier and thus better. The next step is for the therapist to figure out the causes by which the problem of bad behavior is triggered.  After he comes up with the real cause of the unpleasant behavior, the hypnotherapist then has various procedures and methods which are designed to help an individual in exploring the main issue and then heal and get a new perspective of the issue which is strengthened by better and positive proposals. The therapist gives the patient suggestions on how he can improve his behavior and can also make him understand the need of the change as many people are affected by the bad habits which also affects one’s social standing and personal life.

In a usual period of hypnotherapy, the therapist usually asks various questions about the past history, lifestyle and overall health condition of the patient. Reaching the subconscious mind is the main aim of hypnotherapy. It facilitates an individual in relaxing his body and also calming the person’s mind by enhancing the connection between body and mind. He suggests him how he could achieve better and healthier habits if he leaves the bad habits of lying, stealing, sleeping too much, nail-biting or over-eating. Positive views and idea are reinforced by the therapist and the patient is made to realize how good habits beautify one’s life. This simply allows one to achieve a calmer and increasingly delighted state of mind. It facilitates one in changing the negative habits of the thought process. It also changes and expedites preceding conducts and their patterns in order to allow one to get over one’s bad habits.


For more details on best service hypnosis and hypnotherapy treatment and hypnotherapist in New Delhi India or Online Distance Treatment, visit:

Dr S K Sharma
Ethos Healthcare
T 12, Green Park Extension,
New Delhi 110016. India.
Ph: +91-11-46026700, +91-11-26164016
Cell/Whatsapp - +91-9810155920

